Beyond Business Solutions


Circular Supply Chain

A circular supply chain involves a company reusing or repurposing waste and customer returns to convert those into new or refurbished products. A circular supply chain aims to minimize the use of raw materials and minimize discarded waste materials.


Green Logistics

Green logistics includes any business actions that minimises the environmental impact of the logistics network and delivery. Sustainable logistics or green logistics starts with a concern for the well-being of the planet. Intelligent businesses are rushing to adopt sustainable logistics management,using powerful technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and analytics.

Machine Learning

Thanal Foundation

With a Motto of “Sustainable Satisfied Society” Thanal foundation is an initiative to make interventions in the society to support under previlaged, marginalised, uneducated sections of the society. To provide opportunities for education, Medical facilities, promote family welfare, support self help groups, promote Art, Sustainable energy solutions etc.